Many children have trouble recognizing abstract ideas and audio instructions, but thrive with visuals. They work best in patterns and routines, especially when they can visualize them.
The TEACCH or Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication- handicapped Children program takes advantage of this capability. It provides a visual schedule of a set routine of what will be done with pictures and words. It has been found if the children know what is coming next, they will be more comfortable and able to move on to the next task. Children are also less affected by change in the routine if they can see that it has been changed.
This is very helpful for me seeing as it can be used in addition to other methods. I will most likely develop a set schedule that I will display in a very obvious place. I will have to follow the routine, and review it before every session to make sure the children know what's coming next. It also gives me ideas for methods outside of the schedule. For example, I can take advantage of the visual learning by observing the visual indicators of emotion and motivation in theater.
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