Sunday, February 5, 2012

Shenanigans- 3 weeks

This was my third week working with Shenanigans, and I can only say great things about it. The class starts with a stretch and share that then leads to an energy class. Then improv games that focus on respect, focusing, fun, and adapting to different situations. Then scenario games are played to develop performing skills. The class then ends with another cool down share when everyone just reflects on the class. The teachers and kids are all amazing, and everyone has so much fun. I would definitely recommend it to anyone. The website is

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maggie. I am 9th grade, and am also starting my personal project. I have been thinking about doing autism (and other mental disabilities as well) for my topic and I would LOVE to get in touch with you about your project, even though it seems to have ended well over a year ago. Please email me at if you are interested. Thank You so much!
