Sunday, February 5, 2012

Shenanigans- 3 weeks

This was my third week working with Shenanigans, and I can only say great things about it. The class starts with a stretch and share that then leads to an energy class. Then improv games that focus on respect, focusing, fun, and adapting to different situations. Then scenario games are played to develop performing skills. The class then ends with another cool down share when everyone just reflects on the class. The teachers and kids are all amazing, and everyone has so much fun. I would definitely recommend it to anyone. The website is

Sunday, January 15, 2012


This weekend I realized I was chaperoning a boy whos twin brother has autism. I asked him if I could interview him, and he said sure. Here it is.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Sadly I am not old enough to volunteer at the Marcus Autism Center, but I was told of Shenanigans. Shenanigins is an applied theater program for children and adults with Aspergers and high function autism. It was started by Sandy Bruce when she realized her grandson with Aspergers had trouble in regular community theater. I emailed her and she agreed to let me volunteer. I am very excited and ready to take the next step in my project.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Helpful Methods Summary

1. Social Scripts
-Creating a show around a social situation, teaching reaction and control sentences to remember
2. Discrete Trial Training
-Teaching how to communicate through actions
3. Peer Mentors
-Acting with other kids
4.Functional Communication Training
-Motivation through positive reinforcements
5. Danver and Greenspan Method
-Children controlling situation/play in their world, sharing emotions
6. TEACCH Method
-Visual set schedule, visual positive reinforcement, visuals of emotions
7. ABA
-set observable goals, focus on observations, "playing" situations
8. Relationship Development Intervention
-developing relationships with others.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Social Story

Social Stories
When I Feel Angry

[ by Michele Gardner ]

The story

Sometimes I feel angry.

All people feel angry at one time or another.

When I get angry I will find my teacher, Mommy, Daddy or another adult.

When I find them I will try to use words to tell them that I am angry.

I can say "I'm angry!" or "That makes me mad!"

It is okay to use words when I feel angry.

They will talk to me about what happened and about how I feel.

This might help me to feel better.

Wherever I am I can try to find someone to talk to about how I feel.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Social Scripts

Obviously with a show we will use scripts. Scripts of social situations are actually used with children with autism to understand social cues and specific behavior during a situation. Because children with autism have trouble understanding others ideas and motivations in social situations, social scripts are used to make a person more comfortable in a situation.

These scripts are used to give people a better perspective of reactions. It also provides appropriate responses. Social Scripts are written in first-person, present-tense. They use descriptive sentences to provide who, when, where, and why a person is doing a certain action. Perspective sentences provide the emotions and thoughts behind an action, directive sentences give appropriate responces, and control sentences are used to help remember the script. These can be presented in writing, on tape, on film, or illustrated.

Here is a link to some sample social scripts